
Disa racemosa

Disa racemosa
Vlei Disa

Flowers: Nov-Jan, mainly after fire.
Single stem growing in a clump of vegetation on the edge of a (permanently wet) precipice on Geelberg, above Riversong Farm, Jan 2013.
"racemosa L.f. Slender tuberous geophyte to 1 m. Leaves basal, narrowly lanceolate. Flowers few in a lax raceme, pale pink with darker veins, median sepal dish-shaped, lateral sepals oblong, 15-25 mm long. Nov.-Dec., after fire. Sandstone seeps and marshes, NW, SW, KM, LB, SE (Cold Bokkeveld and Cape Peninsula to Grahamstown)."GOLDBLATT, P. and MANNING, J. 2000. Cape Plants. A conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. Strelitzia 9.

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