
Stapelia cedrimontana

Stapelia cedrimontana 

Mountain Carrion Flower
Flowers: Jan-May.

Growing on the River Walk just above the riverside cottages. This photo taken in May 2017.
Note the fly on the left of the photo - attracted by the foetid smell of the flower.
The entry in Cape Plants: A conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. (Strelitzia 9, 2000) by J. Manning and P. Goldblat, states:
"cedrimontana Frandsen (incl. S. montana L.C.Leach) Leafless, finely hairy or glabrous succulent with erect, 4-angled stems 5-10 mm diam., forming clumps, 5-25 cm; sap clear. Flowers 30-50 mm diam., purple-brown usually boldly banded with cream to yellow towards centre, petals somewhat reflexed and with recurved margins, glabrous or finely hairy towards apices and ciliate. Jan.-Apr. Sandstone slopes and outcrops, NW (Cedarberg Mts and Piketberg).*"

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