
Searsia scytophylla var. scytophylla

Searsia scytophylla var. scytophylla
(formerly Rhus scytophylla var. scytophylla)
Flowering time: April to August.
A rigid, xerophytic dwarf shrub up to 2 m tall with pale grey-brown, shallowly rubbed branches. The leathery leaves are trifoliate (as in most Searsia genera).
Flowers are bright red - with gold anthers in male flowers.
This specimen was growing at the bottom Tadpole pools on Riversong. Generally it is found on mountain slopes from the Bokkeveld to the Hottentot Hollands.
For more info, see iSpot.

* Information from Cederberg: Clanwilliam and Biedouw Valley by Gretel van Rooyen, Hester Steyn and Riaan de Villiers, Botanical Society South African Wildflower Guide 10, 1999.