
Crassula muscosa

Crassula muscosa
Flowering time: October to February.
Growing in the rocks behind Cottage 16.
"muscosa L. veterbos, lizard's tail. Sprawling, closely leafy perennial with woody stems, 10--50 cm. Leaves opposite, imbricate, ovate-triangular, fleshy. Flowers in sessile axillary cymes, star-shaped, yellowish green, petals 1--2 mm long, sepals to two-thirds as long. Mainly Oct.--Feb. Rocky flats and slopes, NW, SW, AP, KM, LB, SE (S Namibia to E Cape and Free State)." GOLDBLATT, P. and MANNING, J. 2000. Cape Plants. A conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. Strelitzia 9.
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