
Leucadendron salignum

Male plant
Leucadendron salignum
Common Sunshine Conebush

Flowering time: April to November.
Re-sprouts after fire from underground rootstock. Multiple stems.
Conspicuous cup around the female plants.

"salignum P.J.Bergius Sprawling or erect, resprouting dioecious shrub to 2 m. Leaves linear-oblanceolate, 20--47 mm long (male), 48--58 mm long (female), male involucral leaves slightly longer, yellow, sometimes red, female larger, ivory or red. Male flower heads 10--14 mm diam., female 9--12 mm diam., sweet or yeast-scented. Apr.--Nov. Sandy and clay slopes and flats, NW, SW, AP, KM, LB, SE (Bokkeveld Mts to Grahamstown)." GOLDBLATT, P. and MANNING, J. 2000. Cape Plants. A conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. Strelitzia 9.
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Female plant

Sometimes the plant turns red during flowering time.
And this male plant has turned an ivory colour during flowering.